Team Xperia on the Move!

Ways to Ruin Your Business


Jamie’s Advice on the #1 Way to Ruin Your Success

This weekend, I spent some time thinking about my business.  It’s a practice I highly recommend (i.e. thinking about your business).   I thought about why I joined isXperia in the first place, about the journey thus far, and what it means to me to continue the quest of fulfilling my financial and personal destiny.  There have obviously been some good times and some difficult times and upon reflection I realize that all of it has led me to a deeper commitment to not only continuing on, but to meeting each challenge with a deeper resolve to contribute more.  And, each challenge has led me to a deeper commitment to each of you and to helping you succeed.    


My Results Were Not Funny

When I first got involved with network marketing, I joined a company called The Trump Network.  I had no idea what was about to happen.  At first, I had a really hard time getting any interest from prospects at all.  I remember making call after call and no one was interested, hardly anyone answered the phone, and when I thought someone was going to join, well, they didn’t.  UGH!  The worst let down for anyone new.  It was such a roller coaster ride.  I remember getting  frustrated so I called Brian because I knew I must be doing something wrong.  However, to my surprise  he assured me that I wasn’t.  He said to just keep doing it and I would soon be signing people up.  After about 2 months of the same scenario I was at a place where something had to change.  I was doing everything I was told, but I wasn’t getting the results I felt I should.  There I was,  suddenly in a show down with a challenge, Emotions vs. Rational Thinking.  A challenge with myself.    

The Mental Shift I Needed   

I don’t really know when the tide shifted for me but it was somewhere around the end of my second month in the business.  I wanted to succeed so desperately.  I needed to succeed.  I knew that I needed a Plan B to be able to afford college tuition, and everything else that was on my plate, and even beyond that, I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to do the things that other people did with ease.  I knew I couldn’t keep doing the same thing  I was doing  and expect to get anywhere different from where I was.   I couldn’t imagine giving up my business because it was the only hope I had.  I had to consciously make a choice to resist negative thinking, and especially the urge to quit pushing myself.  And, quite frankly, I knew that if I couldn’t succeed at this business (which is one of the most cost-effective and easy businesses to do), then I was really in trouble.  I was fighting to prove to myself that I could do it.   So, I was soon going to  find out what I’m really made of.  

So, Here’s What I Did 

I began learning everything I possibly could about becoming better at my business and decided that my whole future depended on succeeding.  What else did I have?   I didn’t have the money to start a local business and thank goodness I didn’t.  Local businesses everywhere in my state are bankrupt or teetering on bankruptcy.  My only real expenses with this business are my auto-ship and marketing costs.  It finally dawned on me that unless I did more than the minimum, I didn’t deserve to be successful.       

Leadership Has to Begin Somewhere

I started to really step up and take charge and control of my business.  Afterall, my success is not dependent on anyone but myself.  I knew that if I didn’t succeed, it was my own fault because many people are succeeding, so it is absolutely possible.  I began to contribute anywhere I could, learning everything I could.  I learned to build websites and blogs, hold webinars,  accept invitation to speak publicly, and I attended every online meeting or company hosted convention (no matter where it was). I used the products faithfully, I told everyone I could about the opportunity,  kept in touch with my sponsor and soon I was so entrenched in network marketing that it became my biggest passion.  I began to step out from the masses and truly go after my business by competing in contests and winning, setting goals and reaching them.   I began to help other people overcome the hurdles  and was only effective at it  because I overcame them myself. 

And Then the Light Instantly Turned On 

I realized that helping others succeed is the KEY to success.  I discovered that for every  challenge that I overcame, I gained  more power and more success.  For every time I’ve doubted myself or had a set-back and  made the choice to overcome, I  gained  a deeper commitment to my business and an attitude that nothing can stop me now. 

Trials Play a Big Role So Welcome Them   

When I look back and remember those trying times of being unsure and lacking confidence, I am now thankful for every obstacle that came my way.  I am fortunate to have had the tenacity to push through.  You see, if I would have quit, I would have missed out on everything.  And, had I not taken the challenge, I would never have been able to help anyone at all.

I Didn’t Want to Be the Gal Who Could Have Made It     

The only way to  fail in this business is to quit.  That is, quit trying to achieve new levels of success.    

I could have run away when things got tough especially in those early months.   There is not one truly successful person out there who became that way without having to jump a string of hurdles to the point of exhaustion.   In order to win the race in network marketing, you must have a “never give up” attitude.  Now, when I see a hurdle in front of me or then another just around the corner, I face the challenge, overcome it and reap the benefits.  The struggles we face are an opportunity to gain personal strength and monetary goals that can not be achieved through any other means. 

The Lesson of David and Goliath

Remember, David had to fight Goliath and win (defeat him)  “or die”.   David was an unlikely candidate to slay the giant, because he was small, young, a slave and had never fought a real giant before.  However, he had a hidden weapon so mighty that not even the biggest giant in the land could withstand ….  his great belief that he could succeed.  And, let’s not forget he was mocked for his dreams, despised by his brothers, attacked by a bear,  faced lions in the den while imprisoned and was sold into slavery.  David learned to overcome obstacles and it always lead him to a place of extraordinary leadership, and ultimately to becoming the King of Israel.  Key:  David did not overcome to promote himself, he did it for his beliefs and to serve.

Being Good Enough, Isn’t Good Enough

We can all become extraordinary if we step to the front,  fight the fight and believe in ourselves.  On top of that, when we fight to win from a place of contribution … contribution to your team, to your family, to your community, etc., we have already placed ourselves in a different league than most people.  If you recall, David did not fight the giant to exalt himself, he fought the giant for God, for his country and for his king.  David knew that he was skilled; he slew the bear and the lion and he had prepared himself by honing his skills as a warrior.  But victory didn’t come until he united those skills with his passion and for his cause.  What would have happened if David would have volunteered to fight the giant and then when faced Goliath’s might and ridicule, changed his mind and decided to run?   We would have remembered David for being a coward instead of the mighty warrior that made him legendary.         

So What Exactly is The #1 Way to Ruin Your Chances    

  • THE BARE MINIMUM – You can’t expect to be great at anything by doing the bare minimum.   Truly exceptional people  are willing to go the extra mile, stepping outside the box and by setting goals and achieving them one at a time.  It doesn’t matter what it is … playing an instrument, decorating a home, becoming an Olympian, creating wealth; there is no way to achieve exceptional success by doing the bare minimum.  It takes hard work, focus, resolve, money, practice, commitment and time.   It takes getting up when you’re knocked down and learning to NOT become your own worst enemy.  So many want to be successful but they are only doing the very least they can.  Many don’t even do their autoship or do the least amount of auto ship possible; some aren’t talking to people everyday about their opportunity or even attempting to get a customer or two;  some don’t accept help from their upline or attend our team meetings.   If you are that person who every month spends 20 minutes trying to figure out which products you can buy for the least amount of money to get you to 75PV, you are doing the bare minimum.  Consider this: that by having just 5 or 6 customers that you could turn your income around easily? Have you thought outside the box?  There is no excuse for doing the bare minimum because becoming great in this business requires leadership skills, and those come at a price.  I am convinced that the people who are most passionate about this business are those who sacrifice their time, energy, effort, and yes their money too, to help others succeed.

The bottom line is this: You will not succeed by doing the bare minimum.  Period.  If you are doing the bare minimum, you should expect to fail.      

My final word of encouragement to all is that your success is NOT dependent on your downline or your upline.  It is completely up to you.  You should never be of the mindset that you have sponsored your last person or sold your last product.  You should always see yourself building a better business, a more successful business, regardless of what your downline decides to do.  Take every opportunity to hone the skills necessary to be a tremendous business owner who is well equipped to do the job alone if necessary and I assure you, you will always have a place at the top.

I love you all,

Comments on: "Ways to Ruin Your Business" (2)

  1. Thanks for sharing Jamie. I can truly relate to what you are sharing with regard to the vision, passion, and not-to-be just ordinary. Wow. We will only rise above when we push beyond.

    Wish you lived closer. 🙂


    P.S. My desire is to attend the conference in October. Would be so nice to meet you in person.

    • Jamie Dulaney said:

      Thanks Pamela! I will definitely be in Ft. Meyers in October.  I hope you can make it.  I would like to meet you too.  


      Jamie Dulaney

      IS BUSINESS OWNERSHIP FOR YOU?  Direct Phone:  (985) 714-4512 Email: ISXPERIA.COM

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