Team Xperia on the Move!


Autoship is a fundamental element of your isXperia business for without it, distributors will not be considered “active” and therefore ineligible to earn commissions.  Another nasty effect of failure to complete your monthly requirement is losing all of your stored points.  This is referred to as “flushing”.  As you acquire points in your right and left sales teams, those points remain for as long as you remain active through the autoship program and essentially wait there for you to earn commissions on each point.  However, when you fail to complete your requirement, those points literally flush.  Flushing your points IS flushing your future earnings.


  •  Do I have to do the autoship?   Yes, if you want to remain active and eligible for commissions.
  • Can I change the shipment date or products in my autoship?  Yes.  Just follow the steps in the tutorial.
  • Can I order more than 75 points?  Yes.  As long as you have at least 75 points in your autoshipment, you will remain active.
  • Why should I set up my shipment for early to mid month?  There are times when your scheduled autoship doesn’t go through.  It may be because your credit card has expired or is no longer valid for some reason.  If you have scheduled your autoship for late in the month, you may not notice that your card defaulted until the month has already expired.  And, if that happens you will considered inactive for that month and all of your stored points will flush.  It is advised to set up your autoship early in the month to give you ample time to reschedule or update your credit card information if you need to.
  • If I cancel my autoship for a month, can I reschedule it the next month?  Yes.  You can always reinstate lapsed autoshipments. However, you will not be eligible for commissions while inactive and your stored points will flush.

If you have any other questions, please contact your sponsor or fill out the contact form below.

Comments on: "AUTOSHIP TUTORIAL" (2)


  2. Arlie said:

    Great thinking Jamie. Its such h a simple concept but so important.

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